Falcon Athletics
Falcon Athletics
Falcon Athletics
Empowering Students in Fort Myers & Southwest Florida to get active, stay safe, and enjoy a positive, fun-filled environment.
Our Values
Our athletic programs foster teamwork, discipline, sportsmanship, and respect for opponents and officials. While contests are quite competitive, sportsmanship and good behavior are always our highest priority.
Benefits of Team Sports
Participating in team sports offers numerous benefits, including enhancing physical fitness, building strong character, and developing valuable social skills.
Sports Forms
Extra-Curricular Eligibility Contract
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St. Francis Xavier Sports
(Girls and Boys Grades 5-8)
Falcon basketball is not just a sport, it’s a team. Students learn hand-eye coordination through dribbling, passing, and shooting the ball down the court, while also learning to play cohesively as a group. Basketball is a terrific way to get students active outside of class!
(Grades 5-8)
Cheer Club
Cheer Club
Cross Country
(Girls and Boys Grades K-8)
For students who are looking to get active outdoors, the Falcon Cross Country Running team may be right for you! Race against other boys and girls in your age group across natural, open-air courses. Runners can choose to compete as a team, individually, or both.
Cross Country
(Grades K-8)
Flag Football
(Boys Grades 6-8)
Flag Football is a safe and fun way for students to experience American Football. Where, instead of tackling others to the ground, players remove flags from the opposing teams’ belts. This is a fantastic way to teach students about teamwork in a positive environment!
Flag Football
(Grades 6-8)
(Boys and Girls Grades 5-8)
Lacrosse is a contact sport that inspires teamwork, physical creativity, and hand-eye coordination. Played with a lacrosse stick and ball, players work together to carry, pass, and shoot the ball into their assigned goal. Get outside, get active, and get playing!
(Grades 5-8)
Running Club
Running Club
(Boys and Girls Grades 5-8)
Soccer is played between two teams, where the ball is kicked down the field and into a goal without being touched by hands or arms. This team sport teaches players valuable life skills such as sportsmanship, decision-making, communication, and hard work.
(Grades 5-8)
(Girls Grades 5-8)
Falcon volleyball is a great social activity that promotes hand-eye coordination, fast reflexes, and good balance. This thrilling sport is played with two teams, separated by a net. Players hit the ball to each other and across the net, scoring points when the ball is grounded.