Spring Sports
Spring Sports
Spring Sports
Check the Friday Falcon Focus email for tryouts, practice times, and game information.
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St. Francis Xavier Spring Sports
Flag Football
(Boys Grades 6-8)
Flag Football is a safe and fun way for students to experience American Football. Where, instead of tackling others to the ground, players remove flags from the opposing teams’ belts. This is a fantastic way to teach students about teamwork in a positive environment!
Flag Football
(Grades 6-8)
(Boys and Girls Grades 5-8)
Lacrosse is a contact sport that inspires teamwork, physical creativity, and hand-eye coordination. Played with a lacrosse stick and ball, players work together to carry, pass, and shoot the ball into their assigned goal. Get outside, get active, and get playing!
(Grades 5-8)
(Girls Grades 5-8)
Soccer is played between two teams, where the ball is kicked down the field and into a goal without being touched by hands or arms. This team sport teaches players valuable life skills such as sportsmanship, decision-making, communication, and hard work.
Girls Soccer
(Grades 5-8)
Coed Tennis
(Grades 5-8)
Coed tennis is played with a maximum of two players on the court at one time, against another team. The goal is to smack the ball across a net using a tennis racket. The benefits of tennis range from better flexibility to speed, physical exercise, and positive teamwork.