Carline & Maps

Carline & Maps

Carline & Maps

Afternoon Dismissal

At the end of the school day, we kindly ask that all cars enter near the church when picking up students. All students will be gathered in Parish Hall and dismissed from there.

You will need to bring your placard with your name and information, so our staff can efficiently call students that are waiting in the hall.

Please choose your carline based on how you will exit: towards MLK or Victoria. Also note, the car lines closest to the teacher parking will move one row at a time while the line nearest Parish Hall may exit towards either MLK or Victoria. This allows more cars to exit towards Victoria.

Parents or guardians may pick up their children before they enter Parish Hall in the open area in front of the doors.

Once students are safely in cars, the staff will direct the carlines to move. It will be coordinated so students will not need to cross through cars. For the safety of the students and staff, please be patient and wait for direction to exit the parking lot.

For Heitman Street pick-up in the afternoon, we ask you all to please use the carline. Do not park anywhere other than the carline and walk up to pick up your child. This is for everyone’s safety.

Our afternoon middle school and carpool dismissal procedures on Cottage Street will remain the same, as well as morning drop off for all students.


Carline Volunteers

If you are available to help with carlines in the morning and/or afternoon, please contact Mr. Reynolds at [email protected]. The faculty and staff at St. Francis Xavier would like to send a warm thanks to all volunteers who help get our students home safely.


Early Pick-Up

When picking your student(s) up early from school, please pick them up before 2:30 pm (1:30 pm on Wednesdays), so it does not interfere with our dismissal procedures.




Thank you for your cooperation!